Morning sickness and nausea is probably the worst signs of pregnancy, but luckily it only usually lasts until the end of the first trimester. I was pretty fortunate during both of my pregnancies because I didn't get morning sickness at all, however I did suffer from nausea most days during the first 10 weeks of my current pregnancy. I was only not able to keep food down twice, which isn't so bad after hearing about some women who can't keep anything down during every hour of the day (which makes me wonder why it's called morning sickness to begin with.)
I talked to my midwife about ways to help with my nausea (which might also help with morning sickness as well), and after trying most of these helpful tips, I found my stomach was a little less upset during the day.
These tips aren't to help cure nausea and morning sickness altogether, but may help reduce it to allow you to have a better and more memorable first trimester.
1. Take a Prenatal Vitamins Before Bed
This really helped me whenever I had nausea in the morning, my midwife explained that it could be from the large prenatal vitamin I was taking. She told me to try taking it at night before I go to bed instead, that way I will be asleep when the vitamin is in my stomach so I won't feel the nausea. I've always heard about trying to take these vitamins after you eat, instead of on an empty stomach, or during a meal, but no matter what I did, I continued to have really bad nausea until I tried this.
2. Gravol (with Ginger)
Ginger helps relieve any kind of digestive upset, such as nausea. I never tried this tip, because the first one really worked for me, but if your nausea is still continuing, I really recommend trying this one. Even if you don't want to use the gravol pill, you could always try some ginger tea, which will also help soothe your stomach.
3. Consume Protein (Greek Yogurt, Meat, Cheese, Lentils)
Even though you might only want to eat soda crackers to help your nausea, my midwife told me the importance of having a little bit of protein as well. When she told me this, I rushed to the store and bought a contained of Greek yogurt. I would force myself to have a small bowl, and I swear this actually did help with my nausea quite a bit.
4. Drink Lots of Water
Fluids are always important, because even if you are still constantly throwing everything up, at least you'll have something easy to throw up. There's nothing worse than dry-heaving because your stomach is empty. Throwing up also causes your body to be a bit dehydrated, so it's very important to constantly be rehydrating your body.
5. Acupuncture
If you have insurance, or can afford it, I've heard that types of acupuncture can actually help with nausea and morning sickness. I never tried this because we don't have insurance right now, but I would definitely give this a try if I ever get pregnant again and have nausea/morning sickness.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post!
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